The Golden Rectangle of Reading Habit

“We read to know we are not alone.” – C.S. Lewis

Hello there! I have been thinking of what to share this round and this thought came to mind… we got to know from Simon Sinek on the Golden Circle from his book, “Start with Why” and how about if I come up with the Golden Rectangle of Reading Habit? I will be sharing in black and white though (haha).

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This Golden Rectangle of Reading Habit is based on my own views, observations and experience. Please contact me direct if you have any questions or need more information.

Here it goes…

“The only important thing in a book is the meaning that it has for you.”
–W. Somerset Maugham

Let’s start with “Why reading is good?” then go on to “What are the strategies?’ and finally “How to make it a habit?”

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”
– Joseph Addison

“A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.”
– Will Rogers

So my friends, what is stopping you from starting to read?

“Your habits, your future!”

Habit of Asking Questions

“Asking questions is the first way to begin change.” – Kubra Sait

Happy New Year 2019!

Today I have been given the opportunity by my mentor, coach and a friend to share with his team on the topic… “Questioning Techniques”.

Image result for memes asking questions

The session went well… how do I know? I believe when the participants (almost all of them), came to me at the end of the session and shook my hand… it was a good feeling. I have given my best with the available resources that I have during the session.

Why ask questions? I have shared with the participants, asking questions mean we have to learn how to listen, understand (empathize) and learn about the answers from the people that we are engaging with. Especially when you want to be a better leader / coach.

I did an activity on asking closed questions and from my observations, they looked irritated as they could not get to the bottom of the story. Closed questions can only provide partial discovery and will take a long time to get to the point of full discovery. Hence, it will be better to learn how to ask more open questions to get the overall picture and mixed with closed questions to clarify any uncertainty.

“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” – Thomas Berger

Shared with the participants two good books that I have read on asking questions…

Image result for just ask bill mcgrane

Are you getting the results you want in business and in life? How about a higher income, improved health, more productive relationships? Could asking questions be the “magic bullet” that enables you to achieve the success you’ve always wanted but may have never believed possible? 
In Just Ask! renowned peak performance expert Bill McGrane III teaches you how to…

Ask the five most effective types of questions.
Move forward by first asking yourself the right questions.
More effectively influence and lead others.
Decrease rejection and increase productivity.
Improve communication personally and professionally.
Dissolve conflict and improve relationships.
Use the Colombo Close…and much more.

Master the art of asking questions and you’ll have developed a powerful tool for creating more successful, mutually beneficial relationships. You’ll build rapport more effectively than ever – bolstering your persuasive power, creating greater success.


Image result for change your questions change your life marilee adams

Questions are at the core of how we listen, behave, think, and relate–as individuals and organizations. Virtually everything we think and do is generated by questions. Questions push us into new territories. The future begins with our thinking, represented by the questions we ask ourselves.

“”Change Your Questions, Change Your Life”” shows readers how to consistently choose the questions that can lead them to success, both personally and professionally. This technique, called “”QuestionsThinking,”” stimulates innovation, accelerate productivity, and create more rewarding relationships.

“”Change Your Questions, Change Your Life”” is a personal growth fable that tells how a seasoned executive, Ben Knight, uses QuestionThinking to move into a higher leadership role and how the same methods of change help him and his wife, Grace, enrich their marriage.


Happy reading!

The participants have a lot of potential yet to be unleashed. I really look forward to them perfect practicing what they have learnt from the short workshop session today.

“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” – Voltaire

There is so much for us to learn, we just need to have the habit of being curious.

“Your habits, your future!”

Review of 2018

green, red, and white fireworks on sky at nighttime
Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year folks! How was your 2018?

After reflecting and reviewing 2018 for myself, I have listed some of the events / achievements / learning / experience for your reading pleasure… if we have anything in common, please do not hesitate to share them with me.

I am looking forward to an exciting 2019, where I will enter a new phase of my life’s journey – will share with you all later.

Image result for new year meme
How about that?

“The way we experience the world around us is a direct reflection of the world within us.” ~ Gabrielle Bernstein

Here are my 2018 reflections / reviews:

  1. Had some wonderful opportunities in executive coaching assignments (learning to be a better coach and it is a joy to experience the coachee achieving their results)
  2. Completed E-learning video for the organization I am working with (not an easy task at first and got the hang of it after a few takes)
  3. CSR talks (on habit change, leadership and motivation) and Lighthouse (with my trusted group of friends / partners to buy, prepare, cook and serve the under privileged – a joy and fulfillment for us)
  4. Camping with family (in Thailand, a great outdoor experience for the kids)
  5. DISC certification (years of practice and finally got the certification from USA, thank you for the opportunity)
  6. Journey on Leadership Development Program for a multi-national company (supporting, delivering, coaching, mentoring, having fun with the emerging leaders!)
  7. Help with service recovery for some of the company’s clients (helping to close some gaps in leadership development)
  8. Went to Gujarat, India for Entrepreneurship Development Program for 21 days with a group of awesome people (known as our G20 family)
  9. Becoming an Entrepreneurship mentor for the business owners (thank you for the opportunity)
  10. World of Habits blog site (had a free site and now decided to have own web site to compile and share to as many people as possible)
  11. Daily sharing QOTD (in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn)
  12. Captain Habit (the mascot I created for fun and inspiration)
  13. Finished 1 chapter of a book (given to opportunity to write with international authors, appreciate the chance and learning)
  14. Closed the business deal and delivered 10 team building sessions for a multi-national company (really felt honored as they have requested for me as the lead facilitator… looking forward to serve better!)
  15. Family and friends from Thailand trip to Cameron Highlands (a memorable trip for our family)
  16. Xmas presents for my wife and kids (seeing the joy on their face and being able to give… priceless!)
  17. Birthday celebration with my son (missed my daughter’s birthday due to an oversea assignment… sorry girl…)
  18. Change of role in the company for better opportunities and prospect in the near future
  19. Another short holiday to Kuala Lumpur with my family for xmas
  20. Registered to complete my semester (leading to my own academic qualification)
  21. Signed up and completing my online courses with Udemy.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting, tree and outdoor
Hello from my family 🙂

I am truly grateful for all that I have gone through in 2018 and definitely looking forward to a fantastic 2019 (and beyond). Knowing that, a lot of my family members, friends, partners and clients are going to help supporting my bigger success.

Thank God for all the blessings and do share with me your experience / successes / learning…

“Your habits, your future!”