“Create healthy habits, not restrictions. “
How’s your new year 2020 so far? Before the end of 2019, I have had the chance to get some feedback from my friends and social media contributors on the above-mentioned topic. Thank you to those who have contributed and if you would like to share yours, please put in the comment below. I wish you all the very best in your health and wellness this year and beyond.
“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.”
– Josh Billings

By the way, the intention of this blog is for sharing and learning purposes… in my humble opinion, there is “NO RIGHT NOR WRONG…” Thank you.
- Wake up early, exercise daily, eat moderately, fast alternately but most importantly is to do whatever you can do and spend time with your love ones full-hardheartedly.
- Have a 4-legged pet… Walk them morning n evening.
- Understanding what u want, plan, execution and mostly, consistency.
- Other than that… Happiness and Peace also important.
- Take very good care on one own health and wellness, by eating healthily and exercise daily. Before you can take care of anyone else you love.
- Its good that u have health awareness.. most people will only start to practice healthy lifestyle when they have bad result in health check
- take care of yourself well physically (do exercises), mentally (reading and other brain triggered tasks), emotionally (positive interactions, meditation etc)…
- Commit the day to God before starting the day and say thank you before ending the day.
- recommended exercise is 30 mins x 3 a week… I’d say 5 days 30 mins will be better. without health, no money or family can do anything. also start giving more… like all your money to some one like me 🙂
- Spend time with yourself, God, family and friends. Exercise, do some charity work, eat moderately and do whatever makes you happy as long as it’s not against the law, it is not unethical and it doesn’t cause harm to others
- Sure way to lose weight while able to eat anything… skip dinner
- Realise what makes your soul happy & enjoy doing it.
- I’ve recently shifted my new year resolutions to start on my birthday. It somehow gets better commitment and results.
- Learn to bless every person you meet. The more you bless the more happiness you gain.
- Have a positive mindset. You are what you think. Put God n faith in your lives daily, eating moderately, exercise healthily and live happily.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn
There you go… some great sharing, ideas and learning. Found any one that you would like to start this year? If you do, please share with me. I would love to hear from you. All the very BEST!