“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.” – Benjamin Franklin
2019 seemed to be passing us fast and 2020 is just around the corner. As new year is approaching, lots of people will be looking into their new year’s resolution. As for me, yes, I do have my 2020 goals and this blog today, is not about my goals.
Recently, I have sent out a survey with the three -(3) questions below:
- What is the one habit change goal that you want to achieve in 2020?
- How do you plan to achieve the goal? What strategies and action steps that you are going to take?
- What challenges do you foresee in your journey to achieving the goal?
I have to thank my group of friends who have taken their time to complete the survey. I will not be sharing who they are to respect their identity and I do believe that it will be good to share their response for others to learn from it. My sincere gratitude and please find the contribution to benefit the readers as enclosed.

(1) What is the one habit change goal that you want to achieve in 2020?
– Daily light exercises and swimming at least once a week.
– Taking time for daily prayer.
– Overcome procrastination.
– Waiting for the right time Habit —-> Just do
– read more books
– Be empathic leader
– To wake up at 6am
– procrastination
– More exposure
– Conscious choices: With eating (vegetarian), Active lifestyle (workout weekly), Education ( leadership courses/studies), Community (volunteering)
– Remove self-doubt
– Breakthrough business goal and keep doing exercise to maintain good health.

(2) How do you plan to achieve the goal? What strategies and action steps that you are going to take?
Note: the answers below are related to the response from question #1.
– Involve my spouse for support and as an accountability partner.
– Awake early in the morning, and start my day in prayer. I’ll need to go to sleep earlier to be sure to get enough sleep.
– breaking down bigger tasks to smaller ones that are achievable and focus on now instead of tomorrow. start with smaller ones.. even a simple task.
– Forget everything, just do and learn from mistakes
– to wake up early to finish books.
– 1. Involve myself in CSR allow me to slow down and give space . 2. Listen empathically and understand message behind
– To wake up earlier than usually, I need to sleep earlier (11pm)
– setting deadlines
– Training & Development. Enough time to speed out the internal & external.
– Accountability Partners, sign up for courses, go to group workouts, sign up for volunteer work.
– Track my past records, list it down and place it where I can see it. Do self-reflection on the records, have a sense of gratitude and thankfulness on how God has blessed me all this year. Reaffirm that in my mind and remove any room for doubt.
– Remind myself should do all things with the best effort, learn from books, experts, and discipline

(3) What challenges do you foresee in your journey to achieving the goal?
– Procrastination, loss of momentum.
– Being consistent and not being disrupted by travel.
– this habit is 20 years old… it’s gonna be quite a challenge
– Lose some gain some
– not waking up early
– 1. Patience
– Sometimes there will be dinners and possibly late meetings that might prevent me from achieving this goal.
– other issues coming in
– Limitation of internal capable staff.
– Influences, time management, commitment.
– Self-demonising and sell myself short
– VUCA WORLD, AI & technology can change to the way we work, change the customer habit on buying and using services (can be online learning, more practical, short training – 1/2 day and doing quarterly). Companies can cut down working time of HR, using more automation, work from home, so skills for employee can be shifted to adapt to virtual interaction, …
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There you go… it is never easy to work on the goals that we want. It makes it more meaningful when the goal is hard and you achieve it. The key here and a reminder to myself, I need to keep going, do it until I achieve what I need to and rest if I must but keep moving forward…
Have a great year 2020 and beyond.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.
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Good one! Interesting article over here. It’s pretty worth enough for me.