Dion Ooi
Trainer, Coach, Mentor, Speaker & Author
Who I am
My name is Dion Ooi from Penang, Malaysia. I have two major things that I love doing; cooking and learning (I believe that we learn as long as we live). My hobbies; cooking, reading and listening to music (any genre depending on my mood). Happily married with two beautiful kids.
Why I do this
A lot of people that I have met, trained, coached and encountered with… majority of them want something more out of their lives. Not many are happy with who they are, what they are doing and going through their life on a day-to-day basis. I know they can have a better world (spiritual, family, health, personal, career, financial, community); they just need some kind of help and I trust I am able to help inspire and develop them to be better.
What I can do for you
I am currently training, coaching, mentoring, speaking, consulting and authoring multiple programs; leadership and life related.
You may contact me should you need more information:
dionocl@gmail.com (Email)
www.linkedin.com/in/dionocl (LinkedIn)
https://www.facebook.com/CYHCYW/ (Facebook)