Habits of Getting Organised

“Organizing is a journey, not a destination.”

The other day when I was having a meeting with my friend and also accountant, I realised that I really need to learn to be more organised. I believe there are a lot of benefits when we are more organised.

Some of the benefits of getting organised are:

  1. Reduce the feeling of having too much and overwhelmed.
  2. Get more done in less time.
  3. Having a sense of control.
  4. Better branding for self-leadership.
  5. Less clutter, less stress.
  6. Calm and more relaxed, knowing where things are.
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Then I sat down and started thinking about this topic on “Getting Organised”… And I came up with the diagram below or more of a doodle.

Let’s start from the top left…

Set up an information centre for work and family; something like a notice board to remind on certain actions or activities… road tax renewals, bills and all of that sort. It can be a magnetic white board or the pin-up type of board. At least when any of your family members want to refer to certain important information, they have a central point of information.

Remember to back up your files and important documents; photos, videos and scanned copies of documents. For photos and videos, you may consider Google Photos (unlimited space if you save to their default type or quality), if you do not mind putting in a cloud system. Some people may have the thought on privacy… or you can setup your own storage systems and make it exclusive for your own access.

I do not know about you… every time I do housekeeping (clean up) of my table or closet… the after effect is really fantastic! A sense of achievement and control plus getting rid of stuffs that are taking up space. At times you may find things that you thought are lost… interesting. Schedule some time to do housekeeping.

Use web or mobile Apps to help you to get organised. My favourite will be Google Calendar for all my activities, appointments and reminders. Trello as my to do and project info app and notes in my phone to keep important information that I can refer to when needed. I am sure there are a lot of great apps out there. What are the apps that you use? Please share with me, so that I can learn to use the app as well.

Certain tasks can be delegated. Before delegating, we have to ensure that the person we are delegating the task to, knows what to do and is ready to take on the load. Show concern by following up and have constant communication (not micro-managing) to see if any help is needed.

According to David Allen from his book Getting Things Done…


You can find out more about the book from the link above 🙂

Anything that can be done in 2 minutes or less… do it NOW! Be productive and just do it, not procrastinate.

Keep inventory of your stuffs… books, gadgets, cables, work props, etc. Before buying any extra stuffs, go through your inventory check list. Practice the “one in, one out” approach. Anything that you are going to buy, before buying, get rid of one item first… (I am still building my habit around this, not easy and it really make sense!)

To add-on to inventory, when you have stuffs in boxes… it will be a good practice to label the boxes on what is inside the box. Labelling can help us to be more organised and knowing how to group the stuffs that can be grouped in the same box or area.

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Make your life simpler by UNSUBSCRIBING the newsletters, emails or marketing campaigns that you do not really read or want to waste time on. Just learn to say no and you will be surprised by how much time you can save in doing that. Not to worry, you can subscribe again to any of the ones you have unsubscribed earlier, correct?

Last night, my wife mentioned to me that there is a lady (that she followed in Instagram) who practiced having a box by the door and anything that she feels she is not using often or want to give away, she will put them in the box and when the box is full, she will donate the things away. Learn to discard and donate the things that you do not really use. Make some other people who need the things happier.

There is a place for everything… make it a good habit to allocate places for your things. Example; wallet, watches, spectacles, keys… they have their rightful place. I save a lot of time and have a peace of mind, knowing where the things are…

Getting organised, in my humble opinion, starts from PLANNING. Having clear thoughts, putting it on paper (will make it clearer) and having a check list to pack for travelling helps to avoid not having important things for the travel… like one of my mentors shared with me, “a short pencil is better than a long memory…”

Anyway, as we are humans, we may some times overlook certain things… just enjoy the journey and learn to better continuously. Start with one or two tips above and discover how your life can be better by being organised. I am also learning to be more organised, let’s DO IT TOGETHER!

For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” 

“Your habits, your future!”