2019 at a glance

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin

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Can you believe it, today is the last day of 2019. I told myself that I have got to complete sharing this blog before the year ends… I believe that everyone has their own achievements, near-misses and misses this year. We will only focus on the achievements as it is better and more positive, agree?

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All right, let’s dive in to what I have achieved in 2019… the sharing is only for learning purposes and also for me to keep records (who knows one day, my children would like to know what their father has achieved in life… haha).

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(1) Started Value Driven Resources S/B (VDR)

  • I have decided to be on my own again after a few years working with a training provider. More focus and doing what I aspire to do more based on my life purpose. Still partnering with the previous company I served and really enjoyed working with the team. Great bunch of people and friends. Like one of my mentors said, “In business, there is no forever enemies, competitors can be your complimentors… why compete when you can complete?”
  • Want to know more about VDR, please visit the website;

(2) New team building and workshop activities

  • Due to clients’ demands and requests… I have managed to design and create new activities. Interesting and some breath of fresh air into my training and facilitation sessions. Looking forward to using and improvising in 2020.

(3) New country – Nepal

  • One of my mentors have helped me to be part of a mission trip that has given me the opportunity to be in a new country. The experience was fantastic, learning their culture, lifestyle and the experience plus exposure… priceless! It’s a good country to visit, especially if you like nature and scenery.

(4) Completed Graduate Certificate studies

  • Taken this extra academic qualification enabled me to have new friends, contacts and widen my network. It also serves as additional credential to support me with my upcoming studies. No harm investing in yourself to upgrade knowledge and skills.

(5) New Coaching Camp

  • Thanks to the client for the request and because of that, I had the opportunity to design, create and run this new coaching camp. The management team and I had a great time in one of the finest retreat location to experience this Coaching Camp. We have leaders from various countries attending this coaching boot camp. Real life experience and best practices sharing. I definitely learned a lot from them. Thank you for the awesome opportunity and learning.

(6) Trainers’ Retreat

  • When I was with my previous company, I proposed to run this retreat or gathering of trainers and friends. After numerous attempts, it did not happen. Then one day, while sitting down with a fellow trainer friend and mentor, this topic came about and we just fixed the date then get some great friends together for this retreat. We have a lovely time, experience sharing and of course, great food plus memories! The retreat was organised in Kampar, Perak. Planning to have another one in 2020.

(7) Recorded Podcast with a friend

  • A good and close friend of mine presented this opportunity to me to record a podcast with him. I am really honoured and glad we did it. I believe we will be having more episodes in the coming future. Please do support us and listen to the podcast (any inputs will be welcomed, as we are consider in our infant stage of recording);

(8) Helped my mentor to setup Power Speaking Dynamics blog site

  • One of my great mentors, Mr. Edwin G. Johnson wanted to leave a legacy to help people with speech and presentation. He shared the idea with me and he gave me the opportunity to help him create a blog site… feel free to read his blogs and sharing;

(9) New providers as partners in business

  • I appreciate great network of friends… they have introduced me to a few new partners and fantastic opportunities. We are going to have good working journey as partners. I believe in long term business and partnerships. Thank you for the wonderful opportunities.

(10) Overseas holiday with wife and kids

  • Thank God for the awesome memories and time together with my wife and kids. We had great time internationally and locally. Time well invested together.

(11) Facebook Page – Lai lim kopi!

  • After my various journey in work / play… good food, new places and especially delicious yummy coffee… the experience has led me to create a Facebook page to share with friends on coffee / tea drinking (though the name of the page is based on coffee… I also drink tea and have friends who like drinking tea). Please visit the page and like… spread to all your friends who like to drink coffee / tea;
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Have a great year 2020 and beyond. Be happy, healthy and create great memories.

 “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” — Zig Ziglar

“Your habits, your future!”

Review of 2018

green, red, and white fireworks on sky at nighttime
Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year folks! How was your 2018?

After reflecting and reviewing 2018 for myself, I have listed some of the events / achievements / learning / experience for your reading pleasure… if we have anything in common, please do not hesitate to share them with me.

I am looking forward to an exciting 2019, where I will enter a new phase of my life’s journey – will share with you all later.

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How about that?

“The way we experience the world around us is a direct reflection of the world within us.” ~ Gabrielle Bernstein

Here are my 2018 reflections / reviews:

  1. Had some wonderful opportunities in executive coaching assignments (learning to be a better coach and it is a joy to experience the coachee achieving their results)
  2. Completed E-learning video for the organization I am working with (not an easy task at first and got the hang of it after a few takes)
  3. CSR talks (on habit change, leadership and motivation) and Lighthouse (with my trusted group of friends / partners to buy, prepare, cook and serve the under privileged – a joy and fulfillment for us)
  4. Camping with family (in Thailand, a great outdoor experience for the kids)
  5. DISC certification (years of practice and finally got the certification from USA, thank you for the opportunity)
  6. Journey on Leadership Development Program for a multi-national company (supporting, delivering, coaching, mentoring, having fun with the emerging leaders!)
  7. Help with service recovery for some of the company’s clients (helping to close some gaps in leadership development)
  8. Went to Gujarat, India for Entrepreneurship Development Program for 21 days with a group of awesome people (known as our G20 family)
  9. Becoming an Entrepreneurship mentor for the business owners (thank you for the opportunity)
  10. World of Habits blog site (had a free site and now decided to have own web site to compile and share to as many people as possible)
  11. Daily sharing QOTD (in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn)
  12. Captain Habit (the mascot I created for fun and inspiration)
  13. Finished 1 chapter of a book (given to opportunity to write with international authors, appreciate the chance and learning)
  14. Closed the business deal and delivered 10 team building sessions for a multi-national company (really felt honored as they have requested for me as the lead facilitator… looking forward to serve better!)
  15. Family and friends from Thailand trip to Cameron Highlands (a memorable trip for our family)
  16. Xmas presents for my wife and kids (seeing the joy on their face and being able to give… priceless!)
  17. Birthday celebration with my son (missed my daughter’s birthday due to an oversea assignment… sorry girl…)
  18. Change of role in the company for better opportunities and prospect in the near future
  19. Another short holiday to Kuala Lumpur with my family for xmas
  20. Registered to complete my semester (leading to my own academic qualification)
  21. Signed up and completing my online courses with Udemy.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” ~ Melody Beattie

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting, tree and outdoor
Hello from my family 🙂

I am truly grateful for all that I have gone through in 2018 and definitely looking forward to a fantastic 2019 (and beyond). Knowing that, a lot of my family members, friends, partners and clients are going to help supporting my bigger success.

Thank God for all the blessings and do share with me your experience / successes / learning…

“Your habits, your future!”

What do you want to achieve in 2019?

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”  ~ Oprah Winfrey

The year is coming to an end. Have you set for what you want to achieve next year and the years to come?

There are a lot of books written on goal setting and the importance of it (also there are some who do not really agree to goal setting… just go with the flow and come what may sort of concept).

Anyway, in my humble opinion, it is a good habit to set goals for yourself. Goals are like check points and light beacons guiding us; whether we are nearer to achieving the results that we want or getting further away, hence, we will need to do something to get back on track. 

If you cannot think of any goals to set, how about issues that you would like to solve? In a way, they are like something you would like to move towards to (solving the issues).

Imagine driving on the road and looking at the milestones / signboards showing the distance to go in reaching our destination (or check points)… normally, one will be more excited when the destination is getting nearer. The same feeling when we are about to reach / achieve the results of our goals.

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I have compiled some good questions to help in preparing ourselves in goal setting; the questions are as below:

1) Why am I here? 

What is my purpose? What is meaningful for me? What moves me? What is my passion? What I do I really care about? What need can I serve?

Note: A good book to read will be “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek 

2) Where have I been?

What does my past outcome indicate? What past experience have I got? What can I learn from my past? 

3) Where am I now?

What kind of person am I? What abilities do I possess? What am I good at? What are my strengths and weaknesses? What do I love doing? What motivates me?

4) Where do I want to get to?

What kind of person do I want to become? What is my personal brand? What abilities do I want to develop? What learning goals shall I set? What are the organizational goals in which I can make a difference? Which knowledge and skills areas do I need to focus on to deliver both my personal objectives and benefits for my organization? What is my conscience directing me towards?

5) How shall I get there?

What learning and development actions do I need to undertake? What resources will I need to have? How shall I overcome obstacles to my learning?

6) How will I know if I have made it?

What is the measurable outcome? How do I measure achievement of goals? Is it money? Is it promotion? Is it another measure of success?

7) What’s stopping me?

What’s holding me back from doing what I want to do?

8) Who can help / support me?
Who can teach me? From whom can I learn? Who can be my accountability partner?

After going through the questions, the next best thing to do is to come up with your own written plan… or be more creative and come up with a mind map of the goals you want to achieve… some of the recommended areas are as below:

– Spiritual
– Family
– Health
– Personal
– Financial
– Community
– Career / Business
– Friends
– Environment

The moment you have decided on what you want, everything gets clearer. When you put them into action, you will get the results and be motivated, thus realizing your potential to achieve even more.

“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” ~ Cavett Robert

“Your habits, your future!”