Triggered by Coaching

“Coaching helps you take stock of where you are now in all aspects of your life, and how that compares to where you would like to be.”
– Elaine MacDonald

Good day folks!
The other day I was having a coaching session and as I was listening, asking questions then jotting down the key points the client was sharing with me… and when the session ended, it suddenly dawned upon me that I am the one needed to do what the client was supposed to carry out as the action steps.

It was like an “A-HA” moment and how the light bulb lit up! It seems that coaching has lots of benefits, not only for the client… for the coach as well. That day, I know I was the one who benefited from the session. The questions asked to the client and the responds from the client has some how triggered my thinking… the inner part of myself. The action that I was supposed to perform. It was really an exciting discovery and how I was motivated to put the action into place!

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I believe coaching can help many people to realize their goals and get the results that they want. As mentioned, coaching is a conversation and not all the time we can have such conversation. Especially when there is a crisis…

“Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen. ”
– Pete Carroll

There are different school of thoughts. When I was working in my previous company, the way I did coaching was different from what I am doing today. I am more comfortable with the manner I am practicing today. Today, the definition of coaching for me is to unleash the best potential and inspiring the client to take action to achieve the results with accountability. The reason why coaching works is that the coach and the client are accountable to one another through the journey of achieving the results the client has set as the goal.

What are the benefits of coaching?

  1. Coaching draws out insights and learning from the client. This gets the client to be clearer, committed, motivated and action oriented.
  2. It is an engaging and active process to journey with the client. When done right, the client will feel good after the session with a sense of direction and clear list of action to perform.
  3. Coaching is personalized and tuned to the communication manner suited both the coach and the client. Especially when the chemistry and trust is present during the conversation.
  4. Clarity and understanding that leads to better ownership in getting results.
  5. Satisfaction of achieving the results with own hard work and time invested.
  6. The returns can be high and rewarding (although most of it is intangible).
  7. Coaching encourages for the client to be thinking deeper, more creative and with the right actions, leading to innovation.
  8. Both the coach and client learn and feel fulfilled.
  9. It can be very flexible using different channels of communication and more responsive approach to development.
  10. Coaching can be appropriate leadership style and cultivated as a good culture for the organization.

Here you go folks, the benefits of coaching… I believe many people have benefited from coaching as I am one of them.

There are many great resources as reference to better understand coaching. Should you need more information or any resources, please feel free to contact me.

Have a great week ahead!

“Your habits, your future!”

Conversation on Positive Mindset

“Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” – Matt Cameron

Happy Lunar New Year to those who are reading this blog. This year, I am taking a longer break from work to focus on one of my passion, cooking… rest, relax, cook, eat, chit-chat and repeat again for the past few days. So far, I am enjoying it.

Why writing this blog when I am on a break? I felt that I have to share this conversation / experience that I had with my father-in-law. The conversation was yesterday before dinner time.

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It is never easy for anyone to go through challenges and difficulties in life. Especially when you suffered stroke twice! I have to respect my father-in-law for being a fighter and survivor.

Compared to his first dreadful experience, where he was really determined to get back to his normal routine (walking, writing and driving). In the early of his stroke-stricken days, he was unable to perform his normal routine; where we could see and sense that he was really frustrated. That did not stop him from being determined to fully recover. He was really hardworking and disciplined to practice, go for physiotherapy and having a strong sense of purpose – to recover and get back to his normal routine. Ultimately, he was successful; being able to write (sign his name), walk and drive to his favorite food stalls and restaurants to eat.

As what Simon Sinek shared in his book, “Start with Why”… having a strong WHY will lead to the HOW and WHAT… as shared in the earlier blog on his “golden circle”… as below, just in case, you have not seen it before;

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

Yesterday during my conversation with him, I sensed that his enthusiasm was low, did not show any eagerness and from the feedback gotten from my mother-in-law, he is not as determined and disciplined as before… somehow, given up and letting go of his exercise. I believe that he has lost his “WHY”; no reason and real purpose for him to recover fully.

Doing my part to share with him on having a sense of purpose… to have a “WHY” is important and needed now, especially when you do nothing about the current situation, it will somehow further deteriorate. As what I have learned from Tony Buzan’s seminar some time ago… “If you do not use it, you lose it!”

I shared with him that similar to our brain power, our muscles in our bodies, when not used… will be useless sooner or later. It can be seen that immediately he was motivated and started moving his arm. Part of the advice shared with him, was to allocate a certain time to move, stretch, stand… as long as he is moving his muscles – I really pray that he does the exercises for his own good and wellness.

To learn on Positive Mindset, you can visit this site:

The behavior model from Dr. BJ Fogg is also worth learning:

According to Dr. Fogg, (based on my understanding), the important part of the equation for behavior change will be the “trigger”; we all have the ability and motivation to change… what’s missing is the “trigger”.

There is an urgent and important need to “trigger” my father-in-law.

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.” – Lyndon B. Johnson

“Your habits, your future!”