5 Observations from a Recent Team Building Program

The other day I was given the opportunity to assist in a team building program at Balik Pulau, Penang. The journey to the program venue was scenic and something different from my everyday travels to work. It was a good and fruitful experience to go to somewhere different plus having different activities for team building. Thank God for a beautiful weather, good food and great people.

During the program, I have observed five -(5) key take-aways as learning from the program (and people). Please take note that the learning is based on my own opinion and opportunity given. Enjoy reading and if you like, perfect practice the learning shared…

1. Invest some time in the nature

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” – Vincent Van Gogh

During the program, the people and I were required to walk around the program venue to experience different activities. While walking about, enjoy the fresh air, new surroundings, new experience, new thoughts, new feelings… some how, there is something triggering the sub-conscious. With you own past experience and the new triggers (our 5 senses and environment), comes a new encounter.

The world is truly our playground, there are many things that we can do and learn. Certainly by creating a habit to invest some time in the nature can help to rejuvenate us. We do not have to go far to other states or countries to travel. Just by going to the nearest park where you are staying, is definitely worth the trip.

It is also a good practice to break the monotony and introduce a new activity to our lifestyle. A walk in the park, stroll with our loved ones, enjoying observing people, sound of children playing… take some time to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Recharge yourself by investing some time in the nature.

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein


2. Be engaged

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

During the team building program, there were different activities for the groups at different times. I noticed that most of the people are engaged. The people who are engaged are the ones having the most fun and enjoyed the most from the program. Like any other programs, there were a few of them who were not participating (not sure what was their issue; some assumptions I can come up with – not happy as they were requested to attend, out of their norm and comfort zone, and many other human challenges or perceived problems).

For me, since we are there and the people around us were the closest people that we had at that time (should there be any unforeseen or unwanted event happened, but nothing happened on that day, thank God!), why not just have fun and be part of a bigger picture (movement, objective, goal, team)?

We are constantly making choices and the decisions that we make will lead to the outcomes that we get. While we can, let’s make the choice and decide to do our part to contribute in making this world a better place. (suddenly the song “Heal the world” by Michael Jackson comes to mind ;-p )

The choice is yours – to be involved or not… the team is moving towards their goal and getting the results they want. Just like the flight, it will not wait for us… when the time comes, it will just take-off (with or without you).

Our attitude determines our altitude (results, outcome).

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” – Phil Jackson


3. Allocate time to celebrate your wins or losses

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” – Bill Gates

Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. At times we hit the target, other times we missed. It takes a lot of perfect practice to be able to constantly and consistently hitting the mark. We definitely feel great when we are able to win. The question is how do we handle or failure?

FAIL is the acronym for First Attempt In Learning. As what I have learnt from NLP certification, failure is a feedback, it means that we may not be doing the right thing, taking the right action or not doing long enough to get the results that is expected (or the results that we want).

When things do not go our way, we have the right to have a bad day, and if everyday is a bad day… something is not right. We need to fine-tune (perfect practice, adjust, learn from the failure) and make it right to get the results that we want.

Someone in the team (at work or loved ones) may have disappointed you or you may be feeling let down (or to put it into a stronger word… betrayed!)… in my humble opinion (and I am still learning), there is no point harbouring ill feelings, use that experience to create a better you. Take action to build yourself, improve yourself or do something for others. What can be done differently to get better results? How can we respond (react) to the event to get better outcomes?

“Celebrate your successes. Find some humour in your failures.” – Sam Walton


4. Create memories

“Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.” – L.M. Montgomery

During most of my training, I will remind the participants that… “Today only comes once in your lifetime… we cannot go back to the time that had passed, make the best out of everyday!”

Everyday is unique and special. It is special because we want to make it special. The memory of the day we create can either be a pleasant one or not so pleasant at all. Of course we are not able to control the event that happened (especially the negative ones)… we can somehow filter the ones that we want to create or the learning that we want to adopt.

Another friend of mine shared with me a very interesting phrase, “And this too shall pass…”

Good or bad times, the day will pass and will never come back again. Enjoy while it lasted… choose to create the memories that you want. That you can take control of, my friend. Make the choice, decide, take action and be willing to pay the price. It makes it easier for us, when we are willing to do what it takes to make things happen.

Whatever the outcome is, learn to appreciate that we are alive to experience them. I am sure there are a lot of people who want to be experiencing what you are going through, right now.

“Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.” – Bob Dylan


5. Attitude of gratitude

“When I started counted my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson

What is that not to be thankful about? Great weather, good food, fantastic company, awesome experience…

Be thankful that we are able to experience such wonders and joy in our lives. There are a lot of people in this world who celebrates with the little that they have and yet there are some who focuses on what they do not have to be miserable.

Please pause and ponder for awhile, are you able to see, smell, touch, taste, walk… there are so many things that you can do to create the memories that you want. Starting today, starting NOW… you can immediately shift your paradigm to focus on the positives. Feeling thankful and be grateful for what you have. All the good times that you had, the learning that you have experienced. Knowledge, skills, exposure… you have a lot more than other people.

It is all in the state of your mind. What are you focus on? What you have or missing? On the things you can control or not? What stories are you telling yourself and what is the meaning of the stories?

You need to take action to change what you can and focus on creating new stories for your life. The moment you change your focus, you are giving power to it. Believe you can and you are already half-way there… the rest will be the actions that you will be taking to make the best out of yourself.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”  – Oprah Winfrey


Now the ball is in your court… how are you going to start making positive change to yourself and people around you. When are you going to invest some time in the nature? How are you going to engage with people around you? Who are you going to celebrate with (whether you win or lose)? What memories do you want to create? How are you creating the memories you want? What are you thankful for?

These are some of the questions you can start to… “Change your habits, change your world!”


12 Weekend Habits of Highly Successful People

Have you ever thought of what successful (depends on what success means to you, in this case, people who are busy and had made a name for themselves in the business world) or we can identify them as effective leaders (people who get results)  do during the weekends?

I have come across these twelve leaders and what they do during weekends;

1. Robert Iger (CEO of Disney) – get up early (and never experience “Monday Blues”…)

2. Benjamin Franklin (Founding Father of the United States) – have a plan (fail to plan and we plan to fail)

3. Timothy Ferriss (Author; one of his books, “The 4-Hour Work Week”) –  do not multitask (focus to get better results)

4. Anna Wintour, OBE (Vogue’s Editor-in-Chief) – stay active (and gain more energy to achieve more)

5. Steve Jobs (Apple) – prioritize what’s important (clarity on what gets you closer to your goal and breakthrough)

6. Warren Buffett (CEO of Berkshire Hathaway) – make time for hobbies (life has more meaning in doing what you love)

7. Oprah Winfrey (Media Proprietor) – practice stillness (meditation for 20 minutes a day will improve your mind)

8. Randi Zuckerberg (Businesswoman) – forget FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and embrace JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) 

9. Bill Gates (Microsoft) – take time to reflect (this is how humans improve themselves and learn more)

10. Richard Branson (Business magnate) – give back (release oxytocin and feel happier)

11. Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter Inc.) – get ready for the rest of the week (plan ahead and expect the unexpected)

12. Jay-Z (Rapper) – keep up the momentum (once you get going, it’s going to be tough to stop… keep moving forward)

There you go… some great tips and sharing on what we can do with our weekends. Enjoy your weekend.

“Change Your HABITS, Change Your World…”

Good Habits of Leaders

Image may contain: one or more people, ocean, sky, outdoor, nature and water

Get up early

Majority of the top people in organisations (especially multi-nationals; and they are made known to the public), they wake up early… of course, there are some who prefers to do the opposite 😉

As what Anthony Robbins and other leadership gurus mentioned about having your own time… “the Golden Hour”, “Power Hour” or “Hour of Power”… the time for you to reflect, do your journaling, exercise, meditate, plan your day, strategise your project, do your prayers, read books, and your own important things to boost your motivation.

Of course there are some special people who prefer to do it late at night; anytime is fine as long as you get to utilise your own precious time to add value to yourself.

A lot of people that I have met, they shared with me that they do not have the time. My recommendation, just start with 5 minutes a day and work from there… increase to 10, then 15 minutes and so on… you will need to find time to do what you want to do and get the results.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

Exercise Regularly

What do you have in mind when you hear the word “exercise”?

Walking, running, cycling, swimming, going to the gym, stretching, skipping, doing push-ups?

Yes, by exercising, we build and strengthen our muscles. Making ourselves fitter and stronger… having more energy throughout the day.

What I have realised, while we are working on our physical strength, we will also need to exercise our brains… the brain is a muscle, the more you use (exercise) it, the stronger it becomes.

How do we exercise our brains?

Reading helps, solving problems, taking on challenges, thinking about solutions, having discussions to share ideas, being curious, asking great questions, having open mind to learn, relax by playing Legos, some puzzles, games, sports… yes, our brains need the workout to be stretched and strengthen.

“Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind.” – Nelson Mandela

Attitude of Learning

From the cradle to the grave, I believe that we are in a journey of learning. No matter how young or old you are, we are constantly learning. Whether we are doing well or facing failure (by the way, failure is a feedback – not the end… just a stumbling block experience that we can learn something from). As long as we have positive attitude to learn, we are growing to be a better individual; leader.

In this age of technology, we have access to multiple media to learn from, the YouTube, TED talk, Vimeo, social media – all the good, the bad, beautiful, ugly… everything that we can learn from; it is our choice to select what to learn. And of course, for those who prefer the books or audio books… they are also available.

The term role modelling; learning from a successful individual that we admire – we can learn by watching their interviews, talks, workshops, speeches, etc. In a way, they are like your virtual mentors or coaches (learn from their great questions). WOW! There are really a LOT to learn.

Another good place to learn will be the car; it is also known as “University on Wheels”; how much time do we spend driving everyday?

For instance, if it takes you 20 minutes one-way, you have a total of 40 minutes to listen and learn from self-improvement or any learning topics’ audio books… or you may choose any knowledge or skills that you would like to learn. Definitely a good choice for those who do not like to take the book to read; you can get your player to read to you and learn about the contents. SUPER AWESOME!

Positive Growth Mindset

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Life is a journey and I guarantee that, there is no perfect journey; like the weather, it changes and it is not fixed… and we are affected by the weather and how we go through the journey, depends on us… what mindset are we practicing?

We can choose to have negative, fixed mindset and feel miserable – having the weight of the world on our shoulders (that’s the price to pay for having negative thinking) or have a positive growth mindset…

What we can learn from Dr. Carol Dweck on Growth Mindset:

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Another learning that I captured from one of my mentors… the people that we constantly mix with will somehow influence us, “birds of the same feather, flock together.” Hence, it will be better for us to surround ourselves with people who are positive and having skills to complement us… not compete but complete us.

In my humble opinion, start our day with positives; having the attitude of gratitude (be thankful – so many things to be thankful for), read motivational quotes, stories, inspire ourselves… be alive. Or simply SMILE having positive thoughts. Imagine our mind like a garden, if you are the gardener, how are you going to tend to your precious garden? Are you going to leave your garden full of weeds or flowers? (weeds = negatives, flowers = positives). Your choice.

Talking about choices, I have a model (ABC-BCD) that I have learnt and would like to share with you (feel free to contact me, if you need more information).

 It starts with Awareness; perfect practicing mindfulness, then we decide on the habit / behaviour that we want to change and carry out the action. After some time doing the routine, it will be automatic (unconscious competence).

I believe that from birth to death (cradle to grave), we are constantly making choices and whether or not, we are willing to pay the price (for the choices that we have made)?

“Change Your Habits, Change Your World!”






10 Easy ways to practice Mindfulness

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”   – Victor Frankl

Definition of Mindfulness (Google):

a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

How can we practice mindfulness? Here are 10 easy ways…

1.  Live in the moment (be aware and present… enjoy the moment)

2.  Accept things as they are (events happened and we can control our responses)

3.  Use the power of visualisation (practice positive thinking, see everything in your mind)

4.  Practice mindful eating (know what is going into your body, the quality of the food)

5.  Start your day without any gadgets (there are many other things that you can do 🙂 )

6.  Accept your weak points (focus on your strengths and further strengthening them)

7.  Take small steps (start small and go for small wins)

8.  Wait patiently (patience is key… take a deep breath and let it go…)

9.  Free yourself from all distractions (be aware of the thoughts and focus on what you want)

10. End your day on a positive note (start with positive and end with positive…)

Different people have different ways of achieving the above… find your own way and if it works for you… keep doing and achieve MINDFULNESS.

If it our CHOICE to have a better life, habits, be happy, be healthy… make your choice and enjoy the journey of life.

“Change Your HABITS, Change Your World!”