Habits on burning calories

“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.”  ~ Gene Tunney

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”
~ Hippocrates

What does it take for us to be healthy, my definition of being healthy is being self-reliant, being able to move (walk, jog, run, cycle, swim) and enjoy every moment of it versus being out-of-breath, lack of stamina, feeling tired and immobility (you know what I mean).

I believe there are a lot of people out there (I am one of them), who are wondering, how and what are the activities that we can do to stay healthy and especially if one is a food lover… how to maintain (or lose the extra) weight while enjoying the lifestyle of having good food plus drinks.

There is no easy way out, it takes a lot of hard work, discipline and determination (at first). Sooner or later, should we be consistent in practicing the exercise as part of our lifestyle, it gets easier and more enjoyable.

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This sharing is not the ultimate guide to having the best body nor quick weight lost program… it is just some of the activities that I find useful and you may consider in practising them as good habits (daily)

“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” ~ Socrates

Please find the things or activities that you can experiment to make them part of your lifestyle habits:

  1. You can invest in an exercise ball to sit while watching television or as an office chair. By balancing, sitting up straight, it will help strengthening the core muscles. Or you may opt to do planking (this can also strengthen the core muscles).
    What I have discovered, more muscles, more calories burn efficiently.
  2. Sitting and sedentary lifestyle is the new enemy. With technology, which makes our lives easier, we tend to sit more that move about. Take some breaks in between to stand or move to the pantry to grab a glass of water to drink. Be aware, practice mindfulness or set an alarm to remind you to move after 20-30 minutes of sitting down. Another idea is to walk around when taking a call; that will burn about 100 calories if you walk and talk for 5 minutes (how about that?)
  3. When there is a need to discuss or brainstorm, walk to your colleague rather than sending an e-mail. It is better to send the message in person (if you are not geographically challenged), as that can help you put extra steps to your pedometer and get your blood flowing to get extra oxygen to freshen up your brains. Imagine if you burn just 50 calories a day… in a year, it really adds up.
  4. Chunk the activities down; if you cannot have 30 minutes in a stretch for exercising, you can deliberately set 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch (find a place further from the office to have a meal) and 10 minutes in the evening (after dinner as a bonding time with the family?).
  5. Find ways to take the flight of stairs; not that you cannot take the elevator, how about taking the elevator half way or three quarters of the way and the rest by stairs, will that work for you? At least you get your heart rate up to burn some calories. You know yourself better, please do not over exert yourself. Be mindful of your own health, best to go for check-up and find out your level of fitness.
  6. Shopping therapy can be one of ways to get extra steps and burn some calories. You may use your mobile phone (install some apps to help keep track of your steps) or invest in smart watches or pedometer to monitor your daily steps. You can also set goals for yourself or have fun by getting an accountability partner or community to challenge yourself.
  7. Perform some strength training; add some extra weight to your backpack or take the dumbbell or water bottle when you go for your walk, jog or run. Building muscles help with metabolism rate and burning the extra calories. Everything in moderation, bit-by-bit and remember we are not focusing on intensity, the key here is consistency.
  8. Pet lovers especially if you are having dogs, you can go a walk or jog with your dog. This can be a good activity to pursue with your family as well, instead of delegating the task to other people. Have fun by going for different routes.
  9. If you have a bicycle, you can always have this extra activity as a variety to your daily exercise activities. Just be extra careful when you cycle on the road; get the proper gear for safety (helmet, gloves, lights, etc). Or join a cycling group for more excitement. At least it is not only walk, jog or run… now you can also cycle!
  10. Some people like to swim; if you are one of them or the property you are living has the pool facility or if you have a club membership (which has swimming pool), this is also a good exercise to burn calories and release stress. As long as you move, keep the heart pumping (at least Zone 3 and not over Zone 5; please do your own research on your Heart Beat Rate zones; for some information, you may refer to this site, please also check with your physician before doing any activities that may cause any harm to yourself, https://www.physiotherapy-treatment.com/karvonen-formula.html)

In my humble opinion, different activities for different people. You have to find the right ones for yourself. As for me, depending on where I am and what I feel like doing… apart from doing all the activities mentioned above, you may also want to look into your own passion projects (for motivation, joy and fulfilment).

“We do not stop exercising because we grow old – we grow old because we stop exercising.” ~ Kenneth Cooper


“Your habits, your future!”

The Little Things We Do

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” ~ John Wooden

Lately I have been thinking, how did the people who are successful achieve what they are achieving? How did they manage to get to where they want to be? How do they sustain what they are doing, day to day basis?

I observed and then I reflected… as there are many ways to achieve results, one of the main possibilities could be the little things that we do (on a daily basis).

“Consistency over intensity…” 

As long as we keep doing and going, I believe we will be able to get the results that we have set for. A lot of people want to achieve more in less time, realistically that is not sustainable. It takes a lot of discipline and consistent effort to be achieving the results and maintaining the momentum.

“If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right.” ~ William H. McRaven


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To tell you the truth, I do dream of big things, leaving a legacy in this world, achieving financial independence, running successful global companies, wanting to be the most important person to a lot of people and the list goes on and on.

Then one day when I was travelling for work, while on the plane (after the plane has taken off and at a cruising altitude)… I looked out the window (as I did not get the aisle seat that I preferred) and suddenly I realised that I am just a tiny little person in this world (what about the universe?). Anyway, I took it as an inspiration for me to work towards my vision and mission for as long as I can. I know for sure that if I keep moving, ultimately I will reach the destination that I want to.

I will keep on contributing to this world, people around me as much as I can… doing my part.

“The little things amount to big things.” ~ Robin S. Sharma

While taking this journey, I might as well enjoy it to the fullest… focusing on the little things.

“I think it’s important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.” ~ Paula Cole

Here are some “little things” we can do on a daily basis:

  1. Health – how about some stretching, short walk, jog or run, meditation, yoga, little movement to keep our body and mind healthy;
  2. Well-being / Attitude – smile, be yourself original self, positive thoughts, observations, awareness, reflection, visualisation, short breaks, anything to keep ourself energised, happy and fulfilled;
  3. Activities – planning, list of things to do, what is the focus for the day? research to add value to self, slow down (if need to), encouragement, appreciation, compliments, communication with others to make it a memorable day;
  4. Financial – savings for the rainy day, donation for charity, ways to give back, treat yourself, family members, money for health, holiday, education… I believe with some money, we have options;
  5. Practice Gratitude – allocate some time for gratitude, giving thanks, be grateful (especially when we are able to get up in the morning), the joy of existence and doing something great, how about drinking your favourite drink (coffee, tea, chocolate)?

“True greatness consists in being great in little things.” ~ Charles Simmons

I would like to share an interesting site about the little things. The link is as below:


Please share with me your thoughts and the little things you are doing throughout your journey to success.

Have a great journey folks!


“Your habits, your future!”


“Reboot” and “Refresh” Habits

“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.” – Ralph Marston

What do we do when we are tired? I am sure most of us have experienced this before. This has triggered me to share some good habits with you. Feel free to practice them and let me know how it goes.

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“Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen.” – Leonardo da Vinci


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Here are some of the good habits:

  1. “Solvitur ambulando” is a Latin phrase which means “it is solved by walking”. When we feel tired, it could be due to a few factors; we are bored, ran out of ideas or could be lack of oxygen. By breaking what we are doing at that moment to go for a walk, we can reboot, refresh and re-energize. One of the brilliant articles to read: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hemingway-thoreau-jeffers_b_3837002
  2. Drink water is a healthy and good way to increase our brain capacity feeding it with oxygen and transporting nutrients to parts of our body. At times when I was too focused in completing my tasks, I forgot to drink water then I felt lethargic, not able to focus and leading to headache. Water does not only hydrate us, it contributes to many health benefits. (all right, take a break and have some water, now…)
  3. Aromatherapy has psychological and physiological effects on us. With the right essential oil (I believe it depends on individual, the one they use in the office… is not to my liking, I prefer lemon or something zesty), it will help to boost our mood, helps with stress reduction, calming us and assist in triggering sense of focus. There are many options that are available or the easiest is to rub the essential on your palm and enjoy the scent.
  4. Snack healthily with nuts, dried fruits, fruit or vegetable slices, peanut butter, etc… here is one of a good resources: http://www.eatingwell.com/article/15314/10-ways-to-snack-smarter/
  5. Power nap... in fact, I just woke up from my power nap and writing this blog, haha. There are a lot of “different schools” of thoughts on this topic… according to science, generally the range of duration will be from 10 to 30 minutes. As long as you do not go into “sleep inertia”, when that happened, you will wake up feeling worse. How long for you? Please experiment.
  6. Stretching or quick exercise i.e. jumping jacks, walking around, planks… there are so many exercise we can do. Find the one that you are able to do with the space constraint and with the resources that you have (chair or table).
    This site is interesting:  https://draxe.com/exercise-to-do-at-your-desk/
  7. Have short breaks in between tasks; pause, look around (focus exercise), meditate, mindfulness (awareness), puzzles, read articles, talk and socialize, breathing exercise, doodling… make coffee or tea and enjoy sipping. Take a break, have a Kit Kat (not that I am getting any sponsorship from them :-p )
  8. Most important of all, should we want to stay energize, focus, refresh and healthy… have enough rest and sleep. How many hours? Different people will be different. You will need to experiment and take note of whether your sleep is a good light or deep sleep. For me, I will need at least 7 hours of sleep to be performing my best.


“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn


“Your habits, your future!”