“Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.” – Harper Lee
Lately I have been thinking and reflecting… what advice would I give myself, if I were to meet my younger self?

The advice that I would give younger self will be as below:
- Study or work full time and not straddling; as the outcome will not be great for either one of them. Like one of my mentors said to me… “When you chase two rabbits at one time, you get neither.” A wise advice indeed.
- Save your earnings; a penny saved is a penny earned.
- Learn to say “NO”; set your boundaries and just say NO, no explanation needed.
- Do not waste your time in toxic relationships; learn how to exit earlier.
- Avoid being exploited; learn the cues and discover it earlier, rather than waste your time with these people.
- Read more and apply what you have read.
- Stay true to yourself and focus on your goals; persist until you make it.
There you are… some golden nuggets of wisdom to share with my younger self.

“Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that’s no reason not to give it.” – Agatha Christie