My 2022 reflections

Happy New Year 2023! I know the first month is almost up… better be late than never, right?

Not that I am giving any excuses nor protecting myself… I completed my reflections before the year ended. I was contemplating whether I should post them or not… anyway, after some time thinking about it, here it goes…

What moments were good this past year?

  • Getting a new job, learning new things (Degreed, Confluence, projects)
  • Going for business trips
  • Winning prizes; vouchers during family day and teambuilding
  • Able to witness my daughter’s graduation
  • My own MBA graduation
  • Getting my bonuses
  • Able to invest in various instruments/providers
  • Did my medical check-up and overall the result was good
  • Able to buy gifts for my loved ones
  • Able to repair my car; having spare cash

What moments were bad this past year?

  • Infected by Covid-19
  • Experiencing credit card scams
  • Black out during medical check-up (failure to draw blood from both my arms, only after 4 attempts)
  • Got cheated of RM10 by Asia Wash – car wash on the final day of the year

What things did you do right?

  • Work Projects (got my job confirmation from it)
  • Passing my MBA
  • Investments
  • Not spending unnecessarily
  • Handmade noodles and tortillas

What mistakes did you make?

  • No major mistakes; just failure to refrain from eating supper (from time to time)
  • Not consistent in exercising

How did you grow as a person?

  • Ability to face disappointment
  • Having the patience to deal with disappointments

How would you have done things differently?

  • Being consistent with exercise
  • To be more vocal and able to challenge my line manager
  • To call/see mom and dad more frequently

What are you grateful for?

  • That I am able to wake up daily
  • My wife and two kids
  • Having a job to provide for my family
  • Able to learn new things
  • Able to have both my parents around
  • Got my MBA degree
  • Able to eat and enjoy good food
  • Having me time

What can you learn more about to make yourself better?

  • Meditation
  • Speak and write
  • Dealing with difficult people

What are your goals and resolutions you plan to achieve next year?

  • To be leaner and lighter (physically)
  • To practice meditation and be mindful (mentally)
  • To serve God and His people (spiritually)
  • To be consistent and a better leader (personally)
  • To continue investing (financially)

What are some actions you can do to improve next year?

  • Being able to strategise and be more big picture
  • Not to be affected by other people’s actions/feedback/criticism
  • Communicate assertively

Final thoughts on 2022

Overall 2022, was an interesting year of new journey and experience. I got a new job, moved into a new place (relocated myself for work in KL), business trip to Cyprus, graduated from WOU for MBA and new work challenges… I praise God for His blessings and guidance.

I pray that 2023 will be a fruitful and meaningful year for my family and me. God please let us be in Your favour, continue to bless us with your grace and mercy. And I know You have a grand plan for me and You are preparing me for Your plan.


“Your Habits, Your Future!”

What do you want to achieve in 2019?

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”  ~ Oprah Winfrey

The year is coming to an end. Have you set for what you want to achieve next year and the years to come?

There are a lot of books written on goal setting and the importance of it (also there are some who do not really agree to goal setting… just go with the flow and come what may sort of concept).

Anyway, in my humble opinion, it is a good habit to set goals for yourself. Goals are like check points and light beacons guiding us; whether we are nearer to achieving the results that we want or getting further away, hence, we will need to do something to get back on track. 

If you cannot think of any goals to set, how about issues that you would like to solve? In a way, they are like something you would like to move towards to (solving the issues).

Imagine driving on the road and looking at the milestones / signboards showing the distance to go in reaching our destination (or check points)… normally, one will be more excited when the destination is getting nearer. The same feeling when we are about to reach / achieve the results of our goals.

Image result for new year's resolutions memes

I have compiled some good questions to help in preparing ourselves in goal setting; the questions are as below:

1) Why am I here? 

What is my purpose? What is meaningful for me? What moves me? What is my passion? What I do I really care about? What need can I serve?

Note: A good book to read will be “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek 

2) Where have I been?

What does my past outcome indicate? What past experience have I got? What can I learn from my past? 

3) Where am I now?

What kind of person am I? What abilities do I possess? What am I good at? What are my strengths and weaknesses? What do I love doing? What motivates me?

4) Where do I want to get to?

What kind of person do I want to become? What is my personal brand? What abilities do I want to develop? What learning goals shall I set? What are the organizational goals in which I can make a difference? Which knowledge and skills areas do I need to focus on to deliver both my personal objectives and benefits for my organization? What is my conscience directing me towards?

5) How shall I get there?

What learning and development actions do I need to undertake? What resources will I need to have? How shall I overcome obstacles to my learning?

6) How will I know if I have made it?

What is the measurable outcome? How do I measure achievement of goals? Is it money? Is it promotion? Is it another measure of success?

7) What’s stopping me?

What’s holding me back from doing what I want to do?

8) Who can help / support me?
Who can teach me? From whom can I learn? Who can be my accountability partner?

After going through the questions, the next best thing to do is to come up with your own written plan… or be more creative and come up with a mind map of the goals you want to achieve… some of the recommended areas are as below:

– Spiritual
– Family
– Health
– Personal
– Financial
– Community
– Career / Business
– Friends
– Environment

The moment you have decided on what you want, everything gets clearer. When you put them into action, you will get the results and be motivated, thus realizing your potential to achieve even more.

“Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” ~ Cavett Robert

“Your habits, your future!”